A Day For Me

Posted: March 24, 2020 in Uncategorized

So yesterday I said I was going to put some things together and share with you today. Well, I didn’t do that. I took the day for me.

I woke up this morning and had my morning coffee. After that I had some more coffee. I then shared a video and math puzzles on my classroom Instagram account. I decided to share these because we are in a no instruction period in our state. Nothing can be required, so these are just fun things to do why being at home.

After that, I went for a run at the park. It was a great run and I stayed my distance from others. I like running in neighborhoods and streets because there aren’t as many people, I think I’ll stick with that and avoid the park.

After enjoying some lunch I sat on the Beck deck and enjoyed the sunshine and warm weather. Last week during spring break (Can I call it that?) we didn’t have nice weather. I did some reading and listened to music. By the way, last week I discovered the Hotel Poolside station on Amazon Music and I am not disappointed.

So now, I’m enjoying the rest of the day as our governor has called for all 19 counties with positive cases of COVID-19 to stay home for 21 days and closed all restaurants (except to-go orders) and businesses with close contact to close. Why didn’t he make this for the whole state? I wish I knew. There are some things about politicians that I just don’t understand. (Well, I do, but this blog is not for that.)

Tomorrow I will finish up the math tasks that I want to share with you that students can do at home. Some of them I adapted from other sources, some of them I created myself. I hope to use them when we start our distance learning. That announcement should be made tomorrow when the state board of education has their meeting.

Tomorrow will be a new adventure as my significant other will begin working from home. The biggest difference is I can’t be loud and blast music. It will be an adjustment, but I also know I’m late to the game of sharing a house while working from home. Boy things sure are different now.

Well, I guess I should finish up this post and go back to my day for me. What are you experiencing during this pandemic? Are you going crazy? Are you doing alright? Leave some comments below!

  1. I think it is great that you took a day for yourself. I keep thinking that if I put more time in now that I will be able to take a day like that later. I am starting to think that I am wrong. I have been working more than I should and finding that just like when I go into school there is always more I can be doing and I never feel caught up.
    My goal for tomorrow is to turn the volume on my phone off and only check email at the top of the hour. I will respond only to what needs immediate attention. We will see how it goes.
    I’m also going to check out that station on Amazon music.

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